I have no idea what I’m doing here. It’s 1:30 AM on a Saturday, I should be sleeping but instead I’m diddling around with a blog that I use *maybe* twice a year. Continue reading “Hey look, I posted again”
I went outside
Got a few photos of the TARDIS at Disney Springs today. This is my favorite of the lot.

Some Thoughts on Crow Country
Crow Country is the most recent game by British developer/publisher SFB games. It’s available for PlayStation 5, XBox Series X|S and Steam, and I recently completed it on the Steam Deck where it ran just fine.

Crow Country is a survival horror game in the vein of original PlayStation classics like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, not just in content but in presentation – the game leans heavily on PSx style graphics, controls and interface to create the mood it’s going for. A mood it generally nails throughout the roughly six hour run time, give or take. All the normal survival horror staples are here – puzzles to get objects that shouldn’t used as keys and them using them as a key, characters with odd backstories and even odder motivations, and so forth. Continue reading “Some Thoughts on Crow Country”