Post 004

Not much of a status update, but I found a personal white whale of retro tech at the GoodWill this weekend: A nearly fully functional 60GB launch PlayStation 3! For only $40!

I say nearly fully functional as the disc drive was… temperamental. It would read PS1 discs just fine, and occasionally would read a Blu-ray/PS3 disc, but would not read a DVD or a PS2 disc at all.

So, one trip to eBay (and three days shipping) later, it’s now been replaced with a shiny, refurbished drive. The system reads all discs like it was brand new. Continue reading “Post 004”

Post 002

 For the record, I’m taking a self imposed social media break.

There’s a lot going on, and it’s just so anger inducing. Seeing people try to spin the situation as something it isn’t – a false flag, a CIA op, a conspiracy – it’s maddening.

For some, conspiracies feed the need to make sense of the world. Things happen that are out of the norm, or go against an established worldview, their minds create fairy stories to cover over the rough edges, to allow them to keep living in their isolated, false world. For others, it’s a means to sow discord, to further a destructive propaganda campaign for selfish, malicious reasons.

Seeing people push these stories, regardless of their motivation, it’s more than I can handle right now.

I just want to shake them until they stop making noise.

Anyway. It’s time for a long weekend so that’ll be a nice break.